Last chance to get a FREE Kindle copy of “The Hunter” – the offer ends today…

THE HUNTERis the first book in a series of William Blake novels. It is a fast moving read, where our once professional hunter becomes the hunted.
The story is set in the north of France where William, an ex Royal Marine, becomes the hunter’s quarry in a bizarre initiation ceremony when he joins a local club. The ceremony ends in disaster and sets William on a course to defend his innocence by again becoming the professional hunter to find the only witness.

Like to see the first chapter? Click here

Hooray!!! Happy Father’s Day!


The fourth book in the William Blake series is available NOW as a Kindle eBook – just in time for Father’s Day!


Paperback will follow soon – but the printer’s website broke down! But that should be fixed tomorrow…I hope.

A lot of friends have asked…..

When is the next William Blake novel going to appear? Well Book Four in the series will be available very soon…


The weekend began in a cheerful, hope-filled sort of way. It ended in horror!